How to improve readership of your blog?

June 16, 2012

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If you have a blog, you can’t hope that it’s going to attract readers all on its own. Agreed, you might have written some great content, but this isn’t really going to help you attract and keeping adding to the readership of your blog. You need to look beyond content to ensure that readers take a look at your blog to appreciate its content.

Yes, your first job is to actually get readers to your blog and the second is to keep them there. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at how you are going to make this possible.

Don’t Just Target Any Audience- Target an audience that Will Share

Think of a situation wherein a reader A comes to your blog, goes through it and leaves, that’s it; his/her association with your blog has ended. But, now here’s another situation. Reader B comes to your blog, reads, and then shares your blog with other like-minded people that he knows, because he thinks your blogs is worth sharing.

Which reader is the better bet? No prize for guessing that it is the latter; this is the kind of reader who will actually improve your readership. So, you need to create a strategy that will help you take your blog to an audience that is most likely to share. What you will need to do is out of all the target consumers of your blog’s content, you need to identify a group who is active on social networks like Facebook etc. It is this group who is most likely to share your blog links.

But out of this group, it will be great if you can identify the content sharers who have their own blogs and sites. If your blog appeals to this particular group, you can improve the traffic to your blog like nothing else and in turn improve its readership.

For this to happen, you need to write about topics, adopt writing styles and use different types of content (infographics, videos, fact sheets) that such an audience is going to love.

There is no escaping SEO

You must have heard this before and you will hear this time and time again. SEO is what will get readers to your blog.

So, make the content of your blog SEO friendly. Many bloggers think that the implementation of SEO tactics in their blogs will interfere with the quality of their content. Although, there is some truth in this thinking, SEO if done right will never affect the quality of the content. To use SEO, you don’t really have to make any effort. All you need to do is make sure that you use an SEO friendly platform for your blog, like Joomla, WordPress, etc.

SEO for blogs is not very different from the search engine optimization tactics used for websites, but with subtle differences. The great part about making your blog’s content SEO friendly is that you can do it all on your own, with taking the help of SEO experts.

Just a little bit or reading, some understanding and you are well on your way.

Sharing your Posts on Popular Social Media Platforms

, and are the three names you must keep in mind; with more than a billion active users between them, using them will help you improve the visibility of your blog and get readers to it.

As a blogger, you need two things from your readers – Time and Interest. These are two aspects that these social media platforms attract in huge amounts, whose potential, you as a blog owner can leverage.

In order to do this you need to do the following:

  • Undertake a study of these social sites
  • Understand the kind of visitors they attract
  • Identify your target audience and know their behavioral pattern
  • Target this audience

You must have understood by now, that the visitors that you are going to target through social media sites are going to be the distributors of your content. They are going to help create awareness about your blog.

So, first up, start by setting up an account on these sites; don’t just get a personal account, but also create a brand account for your blog. You must then ensure that you fill your account profiles in the most complete manner possible; this will make them more credible. Once this is done, you need to begin connecting with 炒外汇模拟软件 users. Don’t just connect with anybody, form a connection with people who are opinion makers, and have the capability to influence your target audience; also connect with well- known people within your niche (pertinent to your blog), Oh! And don’t forget to start identifying your target readers and adding them to your network.

After this, all that remains to be done is to start sharing your blog posts with your connections, and wait for them to go viral. Here’s the ground rule. If your blog content is ‘share worthy’ it will get ‘shared’.

Making an impression on social media, that is credible, memorable and full of impact is the key to getting readers to your blog.

Making Contributions to other Blogs/Sites

This subtitle can be summed up in two words – . A guest blog is something that you write and submit to a site/blog that accepts blogs from other authors. Initially, you might find it difficult to find acceptance as a guest blogger, but you need to work at it. Believe me, it’s worth it.

Think of your own blog as your brand, once you do that, you need to start generating brand awareness. This can be done in many different ways and guest blogging is just one of them. The key is to make guest posts on blogs that have a huge amount of readers. This will allow you to bring your work in front of potential readers and create a reputation. You can place backlinks to your personal blog from within your guest blog content or through the author bio at the end of the content. It’s the prerogative of the guest blog owner to decide the amount of links that he/she gives a guest blogger and also their placement.

In order to make your guest blogging a success, you first need to find a site that is relevant. Relevant in terms of the content you have on your own blog and also the kind of readership you want to attract. After that you need to mentally prepare yourself for hearing a negative response after you pitch your guest blog to a blog owner. Even if you get a ‘No’, you need to ensure that you keep fine tuning your writing to meet the guidelines of the blog that you want to target.

If you put in the effort, you will get the results. There are plenty of ways and means that will help you find relevant guest blogs, and you can start off with Twitter, Google+, Facebook and then move to various sites that will help you connect with those blog owners looking for contributions.


Mix and match is what you must do while trying to improve blog readership. For example, you shouldn’t shy away from doing keyword research and using relevant keywords in your blog content. Something else you could do is to make it a point to follow other blogs and then place your comments on that blog. By placing value added comments, you are improving your reputation and at times you can even place a back link to your blog through your comments.

The idea is to keep trying out different ways to improving the readership of your blog. While some will work, others may fail. But, it’s only the sum total of your efforts that is going to help you bring .

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About Pratik Dholakiya

Pratik Dholakiya is the founder of Growfusely, an SEO and content marketing agency. Pratik has contributed on sites like Moz, Fast Company, Social Media Examiner, KISSmetrics, and Content Marketing Institute to name a few. He's a "must-follow" SEO expert according to Search Engine Watch and has been named one of the top content marketing influencers by Onalytica. He's passionate about fitness, entrepreneurship, start-ups, and all things digital marketing. Hit him up on Twitter @DholakiyaPratik for a quick chat on any of these topics.