In a recent discussion on Quora, there was a question asked “Who is the one SEO person you follow on Twitter that you would recommend to anyone?” and following names have come up from the industry experts themselves.
I would suggest that you follow everyone mentioned below, as they are sharing truly great information on their twitter accounts and would be helpful to everyone involved in SEO.
- Adam Sherk @adamsherk
- Ian Lurie @portentint
- Dr. Peter Myers @dr_pete
- Wil Reynolds @wilreynolds
- Unbounce @unbounce
- Cyrus Shepard @cyrusshepard
- Richard Baxter @richardbaxter
- Avinash Kaushik @avinash
- Bill Slawski @bill_slawski
- Rand Fishkin @randfish
- Gabriella Sannino @SEOcopy
- Ruud Hein @RuudHein
- Kristi Hines @kikolani
- Jason Acidre @jasonacidre
- John Doherty @dohertyjf
- Jon Cooper @pointblankseo
- Ralph Tegtmeier @fantomaster
- Kelvin Newman @kelvinnewman
- Tad Chef @onreact_com
- Garrett French @GarrettFrench
- The Gypsy @theGypsy
- Bryan Eisenberg @TheGrok
- Ross Hudgens @rosshudgens
- Tom Critchlow @tomcritchlow
- Rhea Drysdale @rhea
- Dana Lookadoo @lookadoo
- Lyena Solomon @lyena
- Kate Morris @katemorris
- Annie Cushing @anniecushing
- Debra Mastaler @debramastaler
- Hugo Guzman @hugoguzman
- Sam Crocker @SamuelCrocker
- Justin Briggs @JustinRBriggs
- Mike King @iPullRank
- Ani Lopez @anilopez
- Mike Essex @koozai_mike
- Himanshu @seohimanshu
- Ann Smarty @seosmarty
- Adam Audette @audette
- illdave @sharkseo
- Rishil Lakhani @rishil
- Danny Sullivan @DannySullivan
- Matt Cutts @MattCutts
- Duane Forrester @DuaneForrester
- Marty Weintraub @aimclearSuggest
- will critchlow @willcritchlow
- Dan Shure @dan_shure
- Neil Patel @neilpatel
- Tim Grice @tim_grice
- Barry Schwartz @rustybrick
- Vanessa Fox @vanessafox
- Maile Ohye @maileohye
- Greg Boser @GregBoser
- Michael Doraush @chiropractic
- Andrew Shotland @localseoguide
- Dennis Goedegebuure @thenextcorner
- Todd Friesen @oilman
- Lee Odden @LeeOdden
- Aaron Wall @aaronwall
- Matt Bailey @sitelogic
- Lee Odden @leeodden
- Bryson Meunier @brysonmeunier
- Brian Posnanski @Bpoz
- James Agate @Jamesagate
- Gillian Muessig @SEOmom
- Michael Gray @graywolf
- Heidi Cool @hacool
- Brett Tabke @btabke
- Geoff Kenyon @geoffkenyon
- AJ Kohn @ajkohn
- Branko Rihtman @neyne
- David C. Minchala @daveminchala
- Samuel Crocker @samuelcrocker
- Don Rhoades @thegonzoseo
- Joost de Valk @yoast
- David Sottimano @dsottimano
- Jordan Kasteler @jordankasteler
- Joe Hall @joehall
- John Andrews @johnandrews
This list is growing and I’ll keep this updating as and when there will be more updates on the Quora page.
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