Author Archives: Pratik Dholakiya

About Pratik Dholakiya

Pratik Dholakiya is the founder of Growfusely, an SEO and content marketing agency. Pratik has contributed on sites like Moz, Fast Company, Social Media Examiner, KISSmetrics, and Content Marketing Institute to name a few. He's a "must-follow" SEO expert according to Search Engine Watch and has been named one of the top content marketing influencers by Onalytica. He's passionate about fitness, entrepreneurship, start-ups, and all things digital marketing. Hit him up on Twitter @DholakiyaPratik for a quick chat on any of these topics.

52 Best Content Marketing Books

April 14, 2017

7,264 total views, 1 views today

Content marketing is a complex field to understand. It has several nuances to it, most of which no one really talks about. This is why there is a need for resources that provide in-depth explanations and insightful analysis of the various phenomena in this arena. When done right, content marketing … Continue Reading

34 Top Content Marketing Tools

April 14, 2017

17,779 total views, 3 views today

Content marketing lies at the core of all online marketing strategies as it improves brand awareness, fosters strong customer relationships and increases revenue (indirectly).

Let’s take a quick look at a few statistics that reveal the potential of content marketing, when done correctly:

Marketers who leveraged content marketing saw 7.8 … Continue Reading

What Makes a Perfect Content Specialist?

March 8, 2017

8,366 total views, 2 views today

“Content specialist” is not a new title but it’s certainly a complex one. As with many other modern role, talented professionals can be hard to come by. What exactly do you look for in a good content specialist? The truth of the matter is that the skillset can be very … Continue Reading

4 Reasons Your SEO Strategy Isn’t as Great as You Think It Is

December 28, 2016

4,014 total views, 2 views today

Simply implementing a search engine optimization strategy does not ensure good results on the SERPs.

Google rankings are becoming more intelligent and the task of SEO is getting harder. While there is no one-size-fits all solution that leads to good results, most floundering SEO campaigns can be fixed with a … Continue Reading