Simply implementing a search engine optimization strategy does not ensure good results on the SERPs.
Google rankings are becoming more intelligent and the task of SEO is getting harder. While there is no one-size-fits all solution that leads to good results, most floundering SEO campaigns can be fixed with a few simple tweaks.
Here are 4 common reasons why your SEO strategy might not be giving you the results you want.
1. You’re Using the Wrong Keywords or Phrases
A lot of times, businesses come to me struggling to get good rankings on Google. Typically, the first thing I do is take a close look at the keywords and phrases they’ve selected.
The most common error I find is that they are trying to rank for singular keywords rather than long-tailed ones. Other times, they are using words that are too narrowly focused or extremely popular within their industry of which there is stiff competition.
For example,
“Digital Marketing” is a too general keyword to focus on. If you are an agency or a consultant, the associated terms should be placed in order to set relevancy first.
You could either go with ‘Digital Marketing Agency’ or ‘Digital Marketing Consultant’ to be more specific.
Your quest to find the perfect keywords should avoid the ones that are too specific or not specific enough. Those words and phrases will inevitably lead to fruitless results.
When selecting keywords, put yourself in the shoes of the everyday user. What words or phrases are they most likely to enter in the search engines when looking for solutions to their concerns pertaining to your business?
If you are a local business or willing to focus on serving local users in or around your city, then your keywords should include the city/nearby city to make it easier for your users to find you.
2. You’re Targeting the Wrong Audience
All SEO strategies need to be focused around what customers (or potential customers) are searching for as well as how they are doing it when they are in need of your product or service.
This all comes down to the basic fundamentals of gaining a deep understanding of who your customers are and where their interests and concerns lie.
Failing to target your niche audience will indefinitely cause your SEO efforts to fall flat. If you aren’t showing up in the search results to the right people, the ones who actually need your business will have a tough time finding you.
A good way to gauge your strategy is by looking at your bounce rate. If you have a high number of visitors who are leaving your website without looking around, chances are, you are not appearing on the right search results. If this is the case, it’s time to adjust your SEO strategy.
Take your time and evaluate how exactly your target audience is using the search engines. For instance, if your business primarily appeals to millennials, keep in mind that it takes a vastly different approach to reach them than it does for older generations.
Every move you make in your SEO campaign should accurately reflect the characteristics of who you are trying to connect with.
3. Your Website is Behind the Times
As Google rankings become more intelligent, SEO has become a lot more than just on-site tricks and inbound links. Users and Google both value up-to-date, good quality websites with captivating content.
These days, to rank highly in the SEO environment, you need a thriving website, a good social media presence, and proven user engagement on your platform.
Whether you’re planning on revamping your entire website or just making some minor adjustments to aid your SEO efforts, keep in mind, your primary focus should be rich user experience, on-site optimization and creating strong brand content. This way, when you start building links, you are making sure they meet a standard of quality that boosts your ranking.
4. You’re Valuing Quantity Over Quality
So your website is packed with all sorts of content such as blog posts, instructional videos, news, and manuals, but isn’t getting any shares. When this is the case, your SEO efforts will probably not end well.
Great SEO is all about stellar content that users are building strong connections with. Google can easily spot the difference between pieces stuffed with keywords that no one is reading and pieces that are well-crafted and garnering a good amount of attention.
Another red flag is duplicated content. This can have horrible effects on your SEO as Google will see this and your rankings will plummet.
Keep in mind, if you do not produce and showcase original compelling material, there is no reason for your website to be favorably ranked. I cannot stress enough that content is the backbone of any successful business and needs to be the foundation of your SEO campaign. Awesome content will keep users on your site while doing wonders to increase inbound links and social activity. In turn, you will gain more opportunities to build internal links.
Do not publish content just for the sake of getting material on your platform. Before you publish anything, be sure you have a clear understanding of the value you are providing the viewer.
In Conclusion
One of the most important things I try to instill in the minds of my clients is that good SEO does not happen overnight. There will likely be a good deal of trial and error. It can take weeks or even months of hard work to start seeing results. Unfortunately, there is no formula to predict when exactly SEO efforts will pay off.
SEO is a great way to gain online exposure. Even if you don’t see the results you want within a specific timeframe, be patient and keep working to improve. Sooner or later, your efforts will pay off. I promise.
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