Today, I was checking around the blog and it was being redirected to various websites. I dig deeper into this and came across to this blog’s owner Hesham Zebida’s post that two of his domains have been stolen from GoDaddy without any email notification to him.
Look at the full story coverage Hesham Zebida wrote sharing his actionable steps he took to get his both domains recovered but no supportive feedback is there from GoDaddy.
This is really bad news, I personally admire this blog and the great content being posted out there.
To check more with this, I researched in Google about past stories of the people whose domains got stolen from GoDaddy AND many links were found with reference to this.
That being said, GoDaddy is no longer a secured brand or a service provider!!
Hesham has got his both the stolen domains back after 4 long days of back & forth emailing and with the help of great people at Active-Registrar. Read here for the detailed post by Hesham.
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